カナダのST Sheila MacDonald先生から,認知コミュニケーション障害のモデルについてのアンケートへの参加依頼のメールが来ました.
== 転送メールです
I am writing to invite you to participate in a brief survey (7 min) to evaluate the Model of Cognitive-Communication Competence. As you might know, this model was developed to promote a comprehensive and consistent view of communication competence to guide evidence synthesis, clinical decision making, outcome measurement, and inter-professional collaboration for those with cognitive and communication deficits after acquired brain injury. I would very much appreciate your view on the model’s utility as a clinical tool to guide intervention and education.
I value your expertise and your time. As a small “gift” for completing the survey, I’ve shared a coloured copy of the model to use for education, referenced with the attached article. You do not need to read the article to complete the survey.
To complete the survey, please click on the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6GKY3Z6
Please feel free to forward the survey to SLP’s or SLT’s who work with individuals with Acquired Brain Injuries.
Thank you very much for helping to evaluate the clinical utility of the CCC Model.
Sheila MacDonald M.Cl.Sc. Reg. CASLPO
Registered Speech-Language Pathologist
Sheila MacDonald & Associates
Suite 108, 5420 Hwy 6 North,
Guelph, Ontario,
Canada, N1H 6J2 www.brainandcommunicationca
Ph 519-766-9882
Fx 519-766-9866
Speech-language pathologists are experts in functional communication, essential for daily life!!